
Algotect is effectively a one man Algorithm Architect Army.

My name is Simon Alkemade and I have over 15 years professional experience in game design & game development. I'm a good brain for hire.

I have experience with:
Mobile games, console games, PC games, mobile apps, AR/VR/XR experiences, algorithm development, computer vision, AI, Shaders, applied/serious games, animation, 3D modelling, level design, realtime multiplayer, networking, 3D scanning, photogrammetry, teaching/education, GPS, parametric engineering, fintech and a lot more.

My usual go-to tools are: Unity3D, C#, Maya and Photoshop.

Feel free to send me an email or give me a call.

Send me a mail

Or call me at +31 (0)6 41 72 13 48

Calls with a No Called ID will not be answered or called back.

KVK: 53833570